Teeth Whitening Q&A

What is teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening at Seattle Dentists offers in-office or professional-strength at-home whitening options that create whiter, brighter teeth and a gorgeous smile. Whitening gel removes staining and dramatically improves the beauty of your smile in as little as one treatment session. 

The professionals at Seattle Dentists are highly trained, and they customize whitening treatments to match your goals.

What are the benefits of teeth whitening?

The main benefits of teeth whitening are brighter teeth, a flattering smile, and self-confidence. Teeth whitening is painless, and there’s no downtime afterward. There are no risks involved as teeth whitening is safe and FDA-approved. At-home whitening options available at Seattle Dentists allow you the freedom to whiten your teeth at your convenience.

What can cause teeth staining?

Stained teeth may result due to various factors, including:

  • Smoking
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Red wine
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Colas
  • Tomato sauce
  • Dark juices
  • Popsicles
  • Soy sauce
  • Other foods or drinks that stain
  • Some medications 
  • Aging

Teeth staining is common with aging, regardless of how often you brush your teeth. Periodic teeth whitening at Seattle Dentists is one of the best ways to maintain a vibrant smile.

What happens during teeth whitening?

Before teeth whitening at Seattle Dentists, a specialist reviews your oral health history, examines your teeth, and reviews the results of your most recent dental X-rays. They tailor a plan that’s best suited for your needs and treatment preferences and let you choose the shade of white you desire.

Zoom! in-office teeth whitening treatments consist of tooth trays, whitening gel, and LED light technology when needed to speed up the whitening process. You can achieve teeth that are multiple shades whiter after a single treatment session.

Home whitening involves using custom-fitted tooth trays and gel that whiten your teeth from the comfort of your home during convenient times. You might need multiple treatments to achieve the same shade of white as in-office Zoom! whitening sessions. 

Seattle Dentists also offers LaserSmile, which is similar to Philips Zoom!. During treatment, your provider applies a whitening gel to the surfaces of your teeth. After the gel sits for about half an hour, your dentist points a handheld laser at your teeth. The laser emits targeted light energy that breaks up the discolored molecules inside your tooth enamel, ensuring your teeth look brighter and whiter. 

You can schedule repeat whitening sessions at Seattle Dentists whenever necessary to help you maintain a bright, vibrant smile.

Schedule a teeth whitening consultation at Seattle Dentists by phone or request one online today to determine which treatment is best for you.